Copyright and industrial property rights
The knives MK-8 and MK-9 are international registered designs of the Pohl Force GmbH and therefore protected by design patents. Without the express previous written approval by the Pohl Force GmbH a reproduction of these in the whole or in parts is not allowed.
The name Pohl Force as well as the Pohl Force company logo are registered trademarks of the Pohl Force GmbH. These are not allowed to be used without the explicit prior permission.
Violations of our registered trademark rights will be prosecuted accordingly.
Please note: all contents of www.movieknife.com, especially texts and photographs are protected by copyright. Anyone who violates the copyright (e.g. unauthorized copying of pictures or texts) is liable to prosecution according to §§ 106 ff UrhG (German Copyright Act), will also be charged with a warning and has to pay indemnity (§ 97 UrhG).
Do you have information on possible product counterfeiting?
Please send us a message: contact@movieknife.com